October 6, 2020

Virtual Meeting this Week

We will be playing Scouting Jeopardy. Check your Email for meeting link.

Medical Forms Due

All adult leaders and scouts must have a current BSA Medical Form on file with the troop in order to participate in troop and patrol trips.

Download the 2020 BSA Medical Forms (pdf).

Form A & B: At minimum, please complete Form A, Form B, and Form B (there are 2 form Bs).
Form C is required for any events longer than 72 hours and for high adventure treks; it must be completed by your scout’s pediatrician and can take time, so start now.
Insurance Card: Do not forget to attach a front and back copy of your insurance card to your completed form, and an immunization record if available.
Immunization, if available. Please include a copy of your immunization record if available.

BEFORE TURNING IN FORMS, PLEASE SCAN A PERSONAL COPY. You will find it helpful to have a completed scanned form in your files to have ready-to-go for various patrol or BSA activities, like Lake Alatoona aquatic badge days.

Please turn in med forms to Dr. Pollack over the next few in-person meetings (preferred, so we can go over it together).

Thank you in advance for completing and returning the forms. I hope that I find that T177 scouts and volunteers are trustworthy and obedient. I do not have a BSA Med Form Status spreadsheet like Troop 77 (yet!), but plan on creating one soon. When I do, it will include the status of Form A/B/C from the previous year. If you have any questions or suggestions, let me know.