In this week’s newsletter
- Allatoona Campout
- Court of Honor This Week — No troop meeting
- Summer Activities
- Summer Camp
- Community Service Opportunities
- Merit Badge Opportunities — Camping Merit Badge this Friday with Mr. Shofner.
Allatoona Campout
We had a great time camping at Lake Allatoona this weekend. It was great to see nine Scouts camping together. Despite some issues with the the camp, we were able to get out on the water and spent several hours boating and swimming. Judging by the difference in bed times between Friday and Saturday night everyone was worn out after a great weekend of Scouting.
Court of Honor
We will be holding a joint Court of Honor with Troop 77 on May 18th. Families are invited to attend to see the Scouts recognized for their accomplishments over the last few months. Please remember that Courts of Honor require full uniform, including neckerchiefs.
Immediately after the Court of Honor, Scouts will be taking part in a Drug and Alcohol awareness program. We request that parents stay for an all parents meeting while the Scouts are participating in their program.
Summer Activities
While Scouting is a year-round program, summer poses challenges as vacations, swim team, and other camps make it difficult to meet every Tuesday evening. As such, we typically take a break from regular meetings and plan several informal activities. In the past we have gone bowling, gone on hikes in town, launched bottle rockets, gone fishing, played frisbee golf, etc. We have some similar activities planned for this summer, including a potential backpacking trip and at least one other camping trip before summer camp. More details on these events will be announced in the next couple of weeks.
Summer Camp
If you have not already registered for camp but would still like to attend, please let Mr. Taylor know. We can register additional Scouts for camp until June, as long as there are still spaces available. More information can be found on our Summer Camp Information page.
Merit Badge Opportunities
Camping Merit Badge
Mr. Shofner will be offering a Camping Merit Badge Session at our usual meeting place by the BBQ pits at Oak Grove UMC this Friday May 21st from 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. You can prepare be reading through the Official Camping Merit Badge Requirements and reading through the Camping Merit Badge Pamphlet. Merit Badge Pamphlets can be checked out from the Troop before the Court of Honor on Tuesday or purchased from the Scout Shop. You can also purchase the Kindle version from Amazon.
Construction Merit Badge Day
Atlanta Area Council is holding a construction Merit Badge Day on May 15 for Scouts 16 or older. Merit Badges Offered include: Drafting, Electricity, Landscape Architecture, Surveying, and Welding. Note that while the dates on the info page are for 2020, registration is open for the 2021 Construction MB Day.
More information and registration at:
Atlanta Area Council Merit Badge Days
The Atlanta Area Council offers several Merit Badge days dedicated to specific Merit Badges. Upcoming Merit Badge offerings include Aviation and Railroading.
More information at:
STEM Academy
Georgia Tech is offering an on-line STEM ACADEMY June 6-11. This program for 8th graders and older, gives Scouts the opportunity to earn STEM-related merit badges and explore STEM related professions. Registration is $100 and needs to be completed before May 14.
Northeast Georgia Council Pathfinders
Scoutland is a Northeast Georgia Council Scout Camp on the shores of Lake Lanier. This summer they are offering two weeks of merit badge classes, where you can work on, and in most cases complete, one merit badge per day. There are still a lot of openings for most merit badges. This a great opportunity to work through several merit badges this summer.
More information and registration at:
Daniel Boone Council Virtual Merit Badge Classes
Every week Daniel Boone Council in North Carolina is offering several virtual Merit Badge classes via Zoom. Most classes are $10 and are two evenings per week, after school hours.
More information and registration at: