October 26, 2021

In this week’s newsletter

Meeting this Week

Our meeting this week will be ASPL elections and dutch oven cooking! Since we want to avoid catching any scouts on fire, please don’t wear any costumes or clothing that can catch on fire. (We can, however, look forward to a costume meeting on November 2nd.)

Since we will be eating food, and I can not stress this enough, please bring your own mess kit and hand sanitizer.  We are not in the clear of COVID-19 yet, so we still need to be cautious. If you aren’t comfortable having the dutch oven meals we cook, I will be bringing individually wrapped treats. 

— Autumn

Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Elections

This week, we will hold elections for our new Assistant Senior Patrol Leader. Anyone interested in running for Assistant Senior Patrol Leader for the upcoming term, should let Mr. Taylor or any Assistant Scoutmaster know, and plan a campaign speech to deliver outlining why you would make a great ASPL. As the ASPL elected this month will become the Senior Patrol Leader starting next April and hold that position through Summer Camp, if you run and are elected, you must commit to attend Summer Camp with the Troop July 17-23, 2022 at Camp Daniel Boone in Canton, NC.

November Camping Trip

Registration for our November Camping trip at Cloudland Canyon closes at 10:00 p.m. on October 25th.
Please review the trip sheet and sign up on Camping and Outings page.

Conservation Weekend

Registration is open for the 2021 Conservation Weekend at Camp Woodruff November 12-14. This was formerly called Hornaday Weekend, but the BSA has renamed the conservation award. It is now the Distinguished Conservation Service Award, and the weekend has been renamed to match. The event is still pretty much the same though. Scouts will have the opportunity to work on up to three conservation themed merit badges, all of which will help satisfy requirements for the Distinguished Conservation Service Award, and will also participate in a workshop on creating and leading a conservation service project. The cost of the weekend includes camping, meals, merit badge costs, and a t-shirt.
Get all of the details at: https://www.campwoodruff.org/conservation

*Note that many of these Merit Badges will also help to satisfy the Earth Science requirement for the 50th Anniversary EPA Award.

Winter Camp

Winter Camp is a lot like summer camp, but shorter and colder. Held at Bert Adams December 27-31st, Scouts can attend and work on earn merit badges, play winter games, learn Dutch oven cooking, compete in the Klondike Derby, brave the polar bear swim and much more. We will be discussing this in future meetings, but wanted to make sure everyone was aware of the opportunity and the dates.

Details can be found on the Atlanta Area Council Winter Camp webpage.

Cumberland Island Camping Trip

This January we will be returning to Cumberland Island. This trip will be a challenging and memorable experience. During this Martin Luther King Jr weekend, our main focus will be volunteering through conservation and service projects on the island. Scouts participating in the service project(s) (e.g. trail maintenance and restoration, landscaping around National Seashore sites, etc.) will have an opportunity to earn one or more Scouts BSA conservation-based awards. Details are still being sorted, but opportunities may include the following: Outdoor Ethics Awareness Award,
National Park Service Scout Ranger Award, BSA Historic Trails Award, and the Messengers of Peace (Environmental Dimension). Service project work may also count towards other items such as the Outdoor Ethics Action Award, World Conservation Award, and rank advancement. The trip sheet is up and sign up is open on the Camping and Outings page.

Service Opportunities

We have updated the Community Service Page with a number of opportunities coming up this fall. Service hours are required for all ranks, and many merit badges and awards (like the 50th Anniversary EPA Award).

Scout Days

Scout Days are unique opportunities for your family to attend exciting experiences around the Atlanta Area with other Scouting families. All Scout Days are offered at a discounted price of admission, and a portion of the proceeds from each Scout Day is given to the Atlanta Area Council.

On November 13th and 14th, the Georgia Aquarium is hosting Scouts Days, with discounted admission that includes the Dolphin Presentation, Sea Lion Presentation and 4D Theater. The Georgia Aquarium is always fun, and this is a great way to get in the Marine Aquarium visit, if you are working on the Oceanography Merit Badge (see below).

Purchase tickets via the link on the Atlanta Area Council Website: https://www.atlantabsa.org/scoutdays

Merit Badge Opportunities

As we head into fall there are still many great opportunities to work on Merit Badges both virtually and in-person. Please remember, though, that before starting work on any merit badge, you need to have a conversation with your Scoutmaster or one of the Assistant Scoutmasters.

Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge — For Scouts that started the E-Prep MB at Summer Camp, Mrs. Crawford with Troop 77 will be meeting with Scouts from 6:30 – 7:30 on October 26th (prior to our Troop meeting) to go over requirements 2c, 6c and 8b.  To get full credit, you will need to prepare and bring your home emergency kits as required by the badge. If you have not started the E-Prep MB, you may begin working with Mrs. Crawford to earn this Merit Badge.
If you are planning to attend the Emergency Preparedness session please sign up at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c054fa4aa2baaf94-emergency

Oceanography Merit Badge — Also on October 26th, Mr. Wade with Troop 77 will be leading an Oceanography Merit Badge Session prior to our Troop Meeting. This will be a two part session with the second part occurring later in the fall. This Merit Badge also qualifies for one of the Earth Science Requirements for the EPA 50th Anniversary Award. Also, this Merit Badge requires a visit to a marine aquarium, and the Atlanta Area Council has two Scout Days at the Georgia Aquarium coming up.
Sign up at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c054fa4aa2baaf94-oceanography

Atlanta Area Council will holds Merit Badge Summits throughout the year. The next one is scheduled for Saturday, October 30, 2021. Registration is open.
For more information: https://www.atlantabsa.org/MeritBadgeSummit

Atlanta Area Council offers many merit badge offerings throughout the year.
More information about these and other Merit Badge programs at: https://www.atlantabsa.org/meritbadgedays

Chattahoochee Nature Center offers nature themed merit badge classes on the weekends in the Spring through Fall. There are no upcoming classes, but check back often for new offerings.
For more information and to register visit: https://www.chattnaturecenter.org/education/scouts/scouts-bsa/

Dunwoody Nature Center also offers a number of nature related Merit Badges. Upcoming classes include: Environmental Science January 15 & 16, and Bird Study February 19.
Learn more and register at: https://dunwoodynature.org/scout-merit-badges/

Daniel Boone Council headquartered in Asheville, NC has a rolling slate of virtual merit badge programs, with new merit badges offered every week. These are usually two sessions in the late afternoon or evening. There are quite a few popular merit badges including a large selection of Eagle Required. These usually fill up, but if you look at later weeks, there are plenty of seats still open.
Learn more and register at: https://www.danielboonecouncil.org/virtual

Troop Communication

Please be sure to join our Remind Classes to get notifications on all of the Troop 177 happenings. There is an app, but you can choose to get notifications via text messages or email.

Troop 177 Parents

Troop 177 Scouts