In this week’s newsletter
- Committee Meeting this Week
- Meeting this Week
- Service Opportunity — Scouts needed for the OGUMC Youth Christmas Tree Lot!
- December Camping Trip
- Merit Badge Opportunities
- Winter Camp
- Troop Communication
Commitee Meeting This Week
With recharter right around the corner, we need to meet to discuss plans for that as well as plan for the upcoming months with the troop. Please make plans to attend Monday November 14th at 7:30 p.m.
Meeting This Week
At this week’s meeting we will be doing Personal Fitness tests. Scouts that need to do a pre-test or post test for Tenderfoot can complete this, and any Scouts that need this for Personal Fitness Merit Badge can work on this as well.

Scouts needed for the OGUMC Youth Christmas Tree Lot!
The OGUMC Youth Christmas Tree lot is back in 2022! This is a great opportunity to earn service hours and to serve our chartering organization, Oak Grove UMC. DID YOU KNOW – the Christmas Tree lot supports were built as an Eagle Scout Project by Troop 77 alum Harrison Varnadoe.
There are 2 ways to serve:
1) Set up the lot before Tuesday’s meeting: We need 12 scouts to set up the Christmas Tree Lot on Tuesday starting at 6PM. We should be done before the meeting starts
2) Staff the lot! Youth and adults are needed every day to staff the Christmas Tree Lot! Put
your sales skills to work, and help families find the PERFECT tree! Sign up for an available
shift HERE:
Don’t forget – you can purchase your tree or wreath to support the OGUMC Youth Ministry!
The lot opens on November 26, and pre-order is available HERE:
December Camping Trip
The December campout is an outing to Camp Thunder at Lawhorn Scouting Base. This will be a 1-night camping trip. Scouts will have the opportunity to participate in shotgun and rifle shooting led by BSA instructors at the camp’s ranges. The rifle activity will use .22 rimfire rifles at targets up to 50ft. away arranged as dueling tree targets, cans, plastic bottles, and paper targets. The shotgun activity will use 20 gauge over/under guns and straight away trap shooting. We will likely have a throwing sports station to throw knives and Tomahawks.
Scouts can work on the Shooting Sport Merit Badge during this campout. Click on each of these links to access the merit badge requirements for Rifle Shooting, Shotgun Shooting, and Archery. Reading through and understanding the sports you will be participating in will give you an edge during the weekend and you will learn a lot more!
For full details and registration please visit the December Camping Page.
Merit Badge Opportunities
Atlanta Area Council has already announced all of the Merit Badge summits for next year. The next Merit Badge Summit will be Saturday, Jan 28, 2023 and will focus on Eagle Required Merit Badges. Registration open November 29, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
To learn more about this and other Merit Badge Summits, visit:
Daniel Boone Council headquartered in Asheville, NC has a rolling slate of virtual merit badge programs, with new merit badges offered every week. These are usually two sessions in the late afternoon or evening. There are quite a few popular merit badges including a large selection of Eagle Required. These usually fill up, but if you look at later weeks, there are plenty of seats still open.
Learn more and register at:
Winter Camp at Bert Adams
The Atlanta Area Council is excited to offer Winter Camp at Bert Adams for Scouts BSA Troops! Scouts will have the opportunity to camp, play, and experience unique programs and merit badges that are not available at either of our summer camps!
We’ve pulled together the best of our summer camp staff for an all-star leadership team. Scouts can attend as a Troop, patrol, or as individual provisional Scouts.
More information about Winter Camp visit:
Troop Communication
Please be sure to join our Remind Classes to get notifications on all of the Troop 177 happenings. There is an app, but you can choose to get notifications via text messages or email.
Troop 177 Parents
- Or text @troop177p to the number 81010
Troop 177 Scouts
- or text @troop177s to the number 81010