In this week’s newsletter
- Happy Holidays
- Eagle Project Work Days — Next work Day 12/30.
- January Campout
- Merit Badge Opportunities
- Troop Communication
With most of the Scouts out of school for Winter Break, the troop will not be meeting on Dec. 19 or Dec. 26. This is a great time for many Scouts to work on advancement, merit badges, and other individual awards. If you need any assistance locating resources and or activitites during the break, please reach out to Mr. Taylor.
Eagle Project Work Days
Hello! Autumn here. I’m thrilled to say I am now ready to start working on my Eagle Project! My project is a period pad and diaper supply drive to benefit Helping Mamas. I am aiming to raise at least $500 worth of supplies.
The dates for the work days are December 3rd, December 30th, and TBD in January. We will be doing the following on each date:
Saturday, December 30th
WHAT: Sorting/counting donations and packing them up to bring to Helping Mama’s Warehouse
WHERE: My house (see me for address)
WHEN: 3pm, Pizza will be served at 5pm
January, Date TBD
WHAT: Volunteering with Helping Mamas (Either a Warehouse sorting/inventory event or a distribution event)
WHERE: TBD (Depends on what event we do)
WHEN: (See above)
Any amount of time Scouts can come is appreciated.
Please join Autumn to collect supplies to benefit Helping Mamas. This is a great opportunity for service hours!
Tools are not needed, but we will be painting on December 3rd so dress accordingly
Please email Autumn with any questions and details.
January Campout
For our January campout, we will be joining Crew 77 to visit Cumberland Island MLK Day weekend (January 12-15, 2024). We will be camping at Sea Camp, on the southern end of the Island, and will have the opportunity to hike to see the Dungeness Ruins as well as the other historical buildings on that part of the island. We will also be working with the rangers on the island to do a service project.
For those that registered, information can be found in the Cumberland Island Trip Sheet.
Merit Badge Opportunities
Atlanta Area Council offers several Merit Badge earning opportunities throughout the year.
- Upcoming Merit Badge opportunities include:
- Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge in February. This Merit Badge will take two Saturdays to complete.
More information about this and other Merit Badge programs at:
- Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge in February. This Merit Badge will take two Saturdays to complete.
- The next Merit Badge Summit will be February 3, 2024 and will focusing on Eagle Required Merit Badges. Registration opens December 5th.
To learn more about this and other Merit Badge Summits, visit:
Troop Communication
Please be sure to join our Remind Classes to get notifications on all of the Troop 177 happenings. There is an app, but you can choose to get notifications via text messages or email.
Troop 177 Parents
- Or text @troop177p to the number 81010
Troop 177 Scouts
- or text @troop177s to the number 81010