In this week’s newsletter
- Whitewater Rafting Photos
- Court of Honor — Postponed
- Meeting this Week — Backpacking Merit Badge
- Campout Signup for Adult Volunteers
- First Aid / Public Health Merit Badge Night — September 7th
- September Camping Trip — Canoeing on the Broad River (details to come).
- Swim Tests — Adults going canoeing in September will need a recent BSA swim test.
- Oak Grove BBQ — Save the date for October 16
- Fall High Adventure
- Conservation Weekend
- Service Opportunities
- Merit Badge Opportunities
- Troop Communication
Whitewater Rafting Photos
Hopefully everyone has dried out completely from this weekend. After getting completely waterlogged on the river, we ended up in a torrential downpour for several hours Saturday night. Fortunately, we had a great time on the water, and the outfitter got some amazing photos of the group. You can view the photos at The first boat from T177 are in photos 3-11, and the second boat is in photos 43-55. Also look for a group photo and individual shots of Scouts and adults jumping into the river at the end of the gallery.
Court of Honor August 24th
Due to concerns over the rise in Covid-19 cases, and in accordance with our recent update to meeting indoors, the committee has decided not to have the troop participate in the Court of Honor with Troop 77 in the sanctuary at Oak Grove UMC this week. In order to avoid separating families, we will hold a separate Court of Honor outdoors at Oak Grove UMC next Tuesday August 24th. Families are encouraged to join us as we recognize our Scouts for their amazing accomplishments over the summer.
Troop Meeting this Week
Due to the change of dates for the Court of Honor, we will be shuffling our meeting events around a little bit. This week we will begin working on the Backpacking Merit Badge in anticipation of our trip to Blood Mountain in early October.
Campout Signup for Adult Volunteers
With the Scouts having planned their outings for the next year, we need adults to step up to volunteer to provide supervision for the activities. At a bare minimum we need two registered adult leaders on every outing we do, and we always need one adult female on the trip. To help us better meet these needs, Ms. Loria (aka Dr. Pollack) has created a Doodle Poll to help us plan which adults will attend which campouts. Please take a moment to fill this out and let us know which campouts you would be willing to join us for:
First Aid/Public Health Merit Badge Night
During our Troop meeting on Tuesday, September 7th, we will be focusing on two merit badges: First Aid and Public Health.
While we won’t finish the badges on the 7th, you should make substantial progress if you arrive prepared and use the time wisely. Merit badge instructors will be assigned at the meeting.
If you have started First Aid merit badge but have not finished, please sign up for “FIRST AID – PARTIAL.” If you have not started First Aid merit badge at all, please sign up for “FIRST AID – NEW.” And, if you already have FIRST AID and/or are interested in completing the EPA/BSA 50th Anniversary Award, please sign up for PUBLIC HEALTH.
Please e-mail Mr. Brewer with any questions or concerns at
Additionally, if you are a First Aid or Public Health Merit Badge Counselor and would like to assist in leading these Merit Badge sessions next month, please let Mr. Taylor or Mr. Brewer know.
September Camping Trip
For our September Camping trip will be canoeing on the Broad River September 18-19. Info sheets and signups are coming soon. If you are interested in attending with the troop, remember that you must complete the BSA swim test in order to attend. See details below.
BSA Swim Tests
For both our September camping trip we will be canoeing. In order to participate, Scouts and adults going on the trip will need to have passed the BSA swim test as a swimmer this year. Most Scouts completed this at our meeting in May, prior to our boating activity at Lake Allatoona. If you completed this test outside the troop, we will need documentation that it has been completed. If you have not completed the test and would like to participate in either of these activities, please let Mr. Taylor know as soon as possible so we can get a test scheduled.
Oak Grove UMC BBQ
The OGUMC BBQ is officially ‘on’ this year. Save the date for October 16. The Scouts have been a huge part of making the annual BBQ happen in the past. This is an excellent way to show the church our gratitude for being a huge supporter of Scouting and to be a visible part of the community. More information on volunteering will be available soon.

High Adventure
As part of his Wood Badge Ticket, Mr. Cole and other Leaders are taking a crew of co-ed Scouts (we will be doing this through the Venture Crew made up of Scouts from Troop 77, Troop 177, and Venture Crew 77) on a Local High Adventure Trip that will simulate the backpacking adventure of attending Philmont (without it taking 14 days, traveling to New Mexico, and costing nearly $2,500 like Philmont does). The trip will be over the long Columbus Day weekend leaving the evening of Wednesday 10/6/2021 after school and returning Monday 10/11/2021. I am looking for three sets of volunteers:
(1) approximately 8-10 Scouts (14+ or have completed the 8th grade) both girls and boys to go on the actual hike itself (NOTE: If more Scouts are interested, then we can have more than 1 crew and everyone eligible should be able to go],
(2) approximately 5 Older Scouts, preferably with Philmont experience, to meet us on the trail for one day (likely either Saturday or Sunday) and host a Philmont-like Program Activity (and then those Scouts can hike before and after that day in the same area), and
(3) Adult Leaders to (a) go with me and the High Adventure group (Thanks Ms. Henderson and Ms. Indu for stepping up as Female Adult Leaders) on the hike, and (b) at least two leaders to hike with and assist the Older Scout Program group.
If you are interested in getting involved in this project, then please send me an email at with what part you are interested in doing (hiking crew, program crew, or Adult Leader).
Thanks. Mr. Cole (Troop 77 Scoutmaster)
*An earlier version of this section include a requirement to write a couple of paragraphs about why you wanted to participate. This requirement has been removed.
Service Opportunities
We have updated the Community Service Page with a number of opportunities coming up this fall. Service hours are are required for all ranks, and many merit badges and awards (like the 50th Anniversary EPA award).
Conservation Weekend
Registration is open for the 2021 Conservation Weekend at Camp Woodruff November 12-14. This was formerly called Hornaday Weekend, but the BSA has renamed the conservation award. It is now the Distinguished Conservation Service Award, and the weekend has been renamed to match. The event is still pretty much the same though. Scouts will have the opportunity to work on up to three conservation themed merit badges, all of which will help satisfy requirements for the Distinguished Conservation Service Award, and will also participate in a workshop on creating and leading a conservation service project. The cost of the weekend includes camping, meals, merit badge costs, and a t-shirt.
Get all of the details at:
Merit Badge Opportunities
With school out, now is the perfect time to spend some time working on merit badges. There are plenty of in-person and virtual programs available. Please remember, though, that before starting work on any merit badge, you need to have a conversation with your Scoutmaster or one of the Assistant Scoutmasters.
Atlanta Area Council will holds Merit Badge Summits throughout the year. The next one is on August 21st, but all of the classes are full. Watch the Merit Badge Summit Web Page below for information on the Saturday, October 30, 2021.
For more information and to register visit:
Atlanta Area Council offers many merit badge offerings throughout the year. Upcoming in-person merit badge opportunities include Railroading (September 18).
More information about these and other Merit Badge programs at:
Chattahoochee Nature Center offers nature themed merit badge classes on weekends during the summer. Upcoming classes include Canoeing August 22nd.
For more information and to register visit:
Dunwoody Nature Center also offers a number of nature related Merit Badges. Upcoming classes include Reptiles & Amphibians on August 28, Insect Study on September 11, and Forestry on October 23.
Learn more and register at:
Northeast Georgia Council has an aquatics adventure weekend coming up September 3-5. This weekends allow Scouts to earn one aquatics Merit Badge and get in some Scout camping. Held at Scoutland on Lake Lanier, the cost is $45/weekend for most merit badges, this includes camping and food.
Register at:
Cape Fear Council has a virtual merit badge college coming up August 14. If you aren’t going to make it to our Whitewater Rafting Trip, but still want to work on Scout advancement, this is a great opportunity to work on two merit badges. The cost is $20/session, with a morning session and an afternoon session.
Register at:
Daniel Boone Council headquartered in Asheville, NC has a rolling slate of virtual merit badge programs, with new merit badges offered every week.
Learn more and register at:
Troop Communication
Please be sure to join our Remind Classes to get notifications on all of the Troop 177 happenings. There is an app, but you can choose to get notifications via text messages or email.
Troop 177 Parents
- Or text @troop177p to the number 81010
Troop 177 Scouts
- or text @troop177s to the number 81010