In this week’s newsletter
- Our New SPL and ASPL
- Troop Meeting This Week
- Upcoming Camping Trips — Signups for the May campout are open.
- Summer Camp
- Community Service Opportunities
- Advancement Opportunities
- Merit Badge Opportunities
Congratulation to Leigh and Autumn
At our meeting on April 20th we held our semi-annual election for the Assistant Senior Patrol. Autumn P. was elected to serve as Assistant Senior Patrol Leader for the next six months. Leigh S. was also installed as our new Senior Patrol. These two have already shown great leadership in the troop, and should excel in these positions. We also want to thank Holly T. for her service to the troop over the last year as ASPL and SPL.
Troop Meeting This Week
This week will be an introductory meeting from our new SPL. She has several ideas for building a stronger patrols within the troop that she will be discussing and putting into practice this week. There will also be some fun games to round out the evening.
Upcoming Camping Trips
The weekend of May 14-16 we will be returning to Lake Allatoona Aquatics Base for an Aquatics themed weekend. We are planning to do a boating activity and have three canoes at our disposal to use for this campout. For the number of girls we typically have camping we would need need about seven total boats (four more than we have committed). If you have a canoe that is in good shape that you would be willing to lend to the troop for this event, please let Mr. Taylor know, so we can guarantee a spot in a boat for every Scout.
Summer Camp
If you have not already registered for camp but would still like to attend, please let Mr. Taylor know. We can register additional Scouts for camp until June, as long as there are still spaces available. More information can be found on our Summer Camp Information page.
Service Opportunities
Eva has invited us to join Pack 345’s Bear Dean (where Eva serves as a Den Chief) for a Frazier-Rowe Park cleanup May 8 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Scouts will will lay down mulch, pull weeds, remove invasive plants, pick up trash, move big sticks, or whatever else else is needed. Wear class B, bring your water bottle, 10 essentials and garden gloves.
For more information contact Eva. If you are are planning to attend, please RSVP through Scoutbook.
Woodlands Garden is a great local nature preserve in Decatur and is need of volunteers to help maintain the garden. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Taylor for information on volunteering.
Each of the above opportunities can be counted for regular or conservation service hours for those that may need it for rank, merit badges, or other awards.
Advancement Opportunities
Cyber Chip Class
Tuesday April 27th, 6:30 – 7:30 (right before the Troop meeting), Randy Carpenter will be leading a 6th-8th grade Cyber Chip class. Scouts should complete this annually, and it is a requirement for Scout and Star ranks, as well as for many Merit Badges.
Sign up:
Orienteering Course
Saturday, May 1st at 11:00, Dennis Cryor and Chris Henderson will be leading our orienteering course. This will fulfill First Class rank requirement 4A.
Sign up:
Both of these are offered by Troop 77 and advanced sign up is required. If you would like to participate in either of these classes please let Mr. Taylor know, so Troop 77 can get you signed up.
Merit Badge Opportunities
Citizenship in the Nation
Mr. Taylor is offering a Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge session on May 2, for Troop 177 Scouts only. If you need this Eagle Required Merit Badge and want to attend please contact him for information.
Mr. Taylor is also offering a virtual Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge session on May 7th from 7:00 until 9:00 p.m. for Troop 77 and 177. Please mark your calendars. A sign-up genius will be published shorty. Stay tuned!
Other Merit Badge Opportunities
Construction Merit Badge Day
Atlanta Area Council is holding a construction Merit Badge Day on May 15 for Scouts 16 or older. Merit Badges Offered include: Drafting, Electricity, Landscape Architecture, Surveying, and Welding. Note that while the dates on the info page are for 2020, registration is open for the 2021 Construction MB Day.
More information and registration at:
Atlanta Area Council Merit Badge Days
The Atlanta Area Council offers several Merit Badge days dedicated to specific Merit Badges. Upcoming Merit Badge offerings include Aviation and Railroading.
More information at:
STEM Academy
Georgia Tech is offering an on-line STEM ACADEMY June 6-11. This program for 8th graders and older, gives Scouts the opportunity to earn STEM-related merit badges and explore STEM related professions. Registration is $100 and needs to be completed before May 14.
Northeast Georgia Council Pathfinders
Scoutland is a Northeast Georgia Council Scout Camp on the shores of Lake Lanier. This summer they are offering two weeks of merit badge classes, where you can work on, and in most cases complete, one merit badge per day. There are still a lot of openings for most merit badges. This a great opportunity to work through several merit badges this summer.
More information and registration at:
Daniel Boone Council Virtual Merit Badge Classes
Every week Daniel Boone Council in North Carolina is offering several virtual Merit Badge classes via Zoom. Most classes are $10 and are two evenings per week, after school hours.
More information and registration at: